Jewish Store

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Cause For Warning!

There is cause for warning this morning!  Nov/26/2013

This is not a test.
Please pay close attention!
Let me first start by saying that I am NOT a doomsday preacher, and I am not very fond of any one that is either.
I gather the facts, pray and report.
I would expect & challenge you to do the same.

Of course I'm not a scientist nor theologian, but I Am and will continue to be a reverent voice of God as I understand Him and His word through Jesus our Savior!..... Take it or Leave it.
It has become evident to me that we can expect a dramatic change in our earth's climate and seismic movements. This past month we have seen an increase in all manner of disturbing activities, from all over the globe have been reported. Ranging from "record breaking" typhoons, tornado out breaks, earthquakes, the recent volcanic eruptions in Indonesia, other places in the world and also in cosmic places, such as volcanic activity on Mars and other heavenly bodies. We have also seen an increase in solar activity that is vital to understand. All of which can be directly related to a single cosmic event, the passing of Comet Ison.

The Warning!

These next few days will tell us more clearly what we can expect to come in the next few months.
As I had mentioned before about expecting a dramatic change in the earths activities, this change is of biblical proportions, the likes of which will No Doubt come to pass. Thou the real question is when.
It will prove wise to prepare yourselves, first with prayer and then: extra food, water, firewood or other heating supplies to see you through the winter months should these events indeed come to pass and the Lord tarry. 
Should they not, just consider yourself better off than you were before. Especially if you came to the saving power of the Lord Jesus through this warning.

If you would like to know Jesus as your Personal Lord and Savior just repent of your sins and pray.
Jesus said, unless you repent you will perish and unless you believe I am He (The Christ) you will perish.

The Prayer:

Heavenly Father, I admit that I have sinned and I confess my sins to you. I believe that you sent your Son, born of a virgin, to take my place and receive the punishment for my sins and to give His life for me, that I might be free of sin and truly live, then He died and rose again on the third day by Your power and now sits at Your right hand to be my friend and savior. Jesus remember me when I come into your kingdom and be the King and Lord of my life. In Jesus name I pray. Amen!
                 Welcome to the family!
 Now go and begin to read the bible and get to know Him, get around His people who love and follow Him truly. He has so many incredible things that He wants to show you. ........above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!

Now know that the Lord has said to go and sin no more else a worse thing come upon you!

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