SAFE! The Rest Of The Story...
Are you saved? No not safe like in baseball! I
mean saved by the grace of God through Jesus? If your answer is YES..
do you know what you are saved from? If your answer is NO.. do you know
why you need to be? .... I meet people who have been Christians for
years who are unable to answer those questions..
It comes to my attention through sharing the gospel that many have a
strange angle on the meaning of salvation, as I did myself at one time.
It usually will be revealed when they will share the gospel with others
and then they are asked..Saved?
What do i need to be saved from? Then there not really sure what to say
so it comes out as to have a better life. Because the message they have
been given is that God has a wonderful plan for their life and God is
love and he forgives right? So whats the deal then? Well let us look at
it this way. The bible says that it is appointed once unto man to die
and then the judgement. This judgement represents the white throne
judgement when the fate of each person will be decided... as in Heaven
or Hell. Scary right but the thing many try to stand on is to say-
doesn't the bible say that all who believe in the Jesus will be saved?
That answer of course is yes. Jesus said Himself unless you believe that
I am He you will not enter into heaven- and that's where it ends for
many but see it doesn't end there. Jesus also said that many will come
in my name saying Lord ,Lord didn't we do these wonderful things in your
name and they will even list them thus trying to justify themselves in
their own works, then Jesus said He will tell them depart from Me you
are a worker of iniquity I never knew you. SO, if the first part is
true, that all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved... and
then the second part is true, that there are those who call on Him
saying Lord, Lord only to be turned away - seems to bring only confusion
and contradict itself right.? They are both true and the common
denominator is the thing that's needed to bring all things together.
That denominator is repentance.
See Jesus said that unless we will
repent from all that is sin we will perish and He also said that these
are those that believe in Me, those that here my word and do it. But we
can not say that we know Him or believe in Him if we are not willing to
give Him everything, all our heart , all our love , all our life and
make Him Lord of our life.Which brings us to the reason why, being
revealed in the comment that unless we repent we will perish. Perish?
This is the second death when all that do not know God nor do the will
of the Gospel will be sent to that lake of fire where there will be
weeping and gnashing of teeth and where the flame is never quenched and
the worm never dies. A good reason right? See we need to come to the
Lord with a heart of repentance and confessing our sins that He may
forgive us of our sins and then come into His righteousness that we may
be found blameless on the day of judgement and then and only then may we
escape the wrath to come. The day that God has set aside to judge the
world in righteousness. Then will you be SAFE! AND SAVED! Thanks for
reading and I hope this helps to get you around the bases and touch home plate....above all else
LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!