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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Christmas Poem: Who Can Bear His Name

Once upon a time...

Long ago and far away
a baby was born to save the day

He was given many names, names that none could bear
Not in the heavens, in all the earth, or any where

Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God, Ever Lasting Father & The Prince of Peace
Could not be found in all the world, not even in the Middle East

You may have heard that unto us a child is born
Unto us a son is given
Not to improve our life or make a better living

He is the gift of God for eternal salvation
Given to us and to every nation
To deal with sin and the fallen creation

A time to rejoice and be happy indeed
He heals our hurts and cares for every need
To Him we go with the greatest of speed

To humble our hearts and bow in the dust
For He is Emmanuel, God with us 

Now to you the question is posed
Will you turn Him away and say I'm closed
 No my friend don't turn up your nose

He died for you, Don't you see
He was only born to hang on the tree
To bear your sin and set you free

When you here Him knock on your hearts door
Open to Him quick and be hardened no more

Confess to Him your every sin
Never turning to them again

For He, Mighty God, Wonderful, Counselor, Ever Lasting Father & Prince of Peace
Has made a way for you to enter with ease

Not by your works, that any should boast
For only He is righteous from coast to coast
And at heavens gate you'll find a welcoming Host

That true love may be seen from all of us
To you we bring the real meaning of  Christmas
May Emmanuel, Jesus, Yeshua, the true Light of the world shine upon you this day
.....above all else Love Each Other and trust in Jesus

Friday, December 6, 2013

Famous Athiests Last Words..

Famous atheists last words....

Voltaire: ‘I am abandoned by God and man…I shall go to hell.’

Thomas Paine: 'I would give worlds, if I had them, that the "Age of Reason" had never been published. Oh, God, save me; for I am at the edge of hell alone…’

Thomas Carlyle: I am as good as without hope, a sad old man gazing into the final chasm.’

Gandhi 15 years before his death: ‘I must tell you in all humility that Hinduism, as I know it…entirely satisfies my soul, fills my whole being and I find solace in the Bhagavad and the Upanishads.’ Shortly before his death he wrote: ‘My days are numbered, I am not likely to live much longer, perhaps a year or more…For the first time in 50 years I find myself in the slough of despond…All about me is darkness; I am praying for light.’

Sir Thomas Scott, Chancellor of England: ‘Until this moment, I thought there was neither God nor Hell…Now I know and feel that there are both, and I am doomed to perdition by the just judgment of the Almighty…’

Edward Gibbon, author: ‘All is dark and doubtful.’

Mazarin, French cardinal: ‘Oh, my poor soul! What will become of thee? Whither wilt thou go?’

Thomas Hobbes, political philosopher and sceptic: ‘I am about to take a fearful leap into the dark.’

Sir Francis Newport, sceptic: ‘I know I am lost forever! Oh, that fire! Oh, the insufferable pangs of hell!’

All these and more can be seen on a compelling Youtube presentation called 'Famous atheists' last words before dying.' Contrast the above with the words of two men who truly knew God.

King David of Israel: ‘Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, Thou art with me.’

Paul the apostle: ‘Oh death, where is thy sting? Oh Hades, where is your victory?...Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.' 1 Cor 15:55,56

.......above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!

Information Overload

Information Overload! A Prophecy Fulfilled  

At the time of the end the bible says, "......many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased".  Dan 12:4. 

WOW, was brother Daniel right about that or what? I just love it when the Holy Spirit shows us those little things that mean so much after they're reveled, don't you? It is amazing to me how we may pull, at any given time, mass amounts of information directly from the ethos of the "world wide web" just to see whats going on in the lives of friends, family, the weather, the world and even the universe (with circumspect inquiry of course). I mean at the touch of a button we can do any thing, say anything, watch anything, buy anything and all before 9am... talk about information overload!

As I sat at my desk this morning searching the internet for signs in the heavens and in the earth of our Lords great mercies and warnings, knowing that these are indeed the days of the Lord, it occurred to me that this is a great and awesome power and SHOULD NEVER BE USED FOR EVIL.
 Of course, just as quickly, it also occurred to me that- that was why it was made. It's just like those epic movies of fantasy as the dreaded and evil ruler would have his wizard or witches look into their crystal ball to see all and know all, to be as a god, as he would then stretch forth his greedy hands to rule, oppress, conquer and kill all who would dare resist his will, with a cruel hatred!..(OK, this is where the MU HA HA HA should be inserted)...... CREEPY!

 For the life of me, I just can't understand it. How can so many prophecy's come to pass and still the masses turn a deaf ear, not to be convinced that the bible is the real deal?
Truly this is thee time of prophetic fulfillment(S) and a time to pay attention to the signs and know the word of God. To listen to the "true" preachers and profits of this age who will speak only truth and fearfully lead to the foot of the mountain and point to the cross where the debt of sin has been paid, and covered by the blood of the lamb. Jesus is the way!

If you don't know the Lord then now is a good time to be introduced.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

NASA | Comet ISON's Full Perihelion Pass

Comet Ison as of 12/01/13

 The latest on Comet Ison is undetermined thou it would appear that it has shrunken in size and or come apart thus widening the debris field. Time will tell the true significance of this event as our planets orbital track will send us into that debris field.

These are comments from a curious observer and believer in the bible (the word of God) and one who prays for mercy. One thing is certain, the days of the Lord are at hand and it's never too soon to repent and put your trust in Him  ........ above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!