Jewish Store

Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Sun Grazer?

A Sun Grazer? What is that you might ask? 

It is the term given to objects that will come dangerously close to the sun as it is traveling from unknown reaches of space only to be caught buy the sun's gravitational pull and then slung back out into the cold darkness again should they manage to avoid the close encounter, and not be torn apart, incinerated, or collide and be destroyed all together.


Comet Ison is such an object, and should the predictions hold true to form it will indeed come incredibly close to the sun and then be flung back out into deep space. Of course the closer Ison gets to the sun the more of it's characteristics will be seen. It will begin to be brighter, hotter and more energized than it ever was until it leaves the sun and goes it's own way, only to find out that it has no real power of it's own. As I watch the reports and predictions I can't help but see some interesting parallels that we may have as well when it comes to the true Son. I'll try to show you what I mean.

The Parallel...

As I was watching the orbit of Ison on the space model looping over and over it occurred to me that this is the way of many false converts.
Many will come to the Lord as they recognize their sin against God as utterly shameful. Then in their need for salvation they are washed clean as they come to the Lord Jesus for forgiveness, but not remaining in His presence and word (But Merely Grazing His Mercy), they will turn back to sin thinking that He is merciful to forgive after they go back to their old ways again and again. They draw close to the Lord Jesus taking on His attributes of righteous heat, and become as bright as the Son, and receive new energy as they graze by thinking they can now do anything by their own power only to find out they have no real power to speak of except the energy they have stored up for their own destruction.
 This is to make a mockery of the cross and to trample underfoot the grace of our Lord.

It becomes even clearer as we look at Heb 10: 22-27  (I will paraphrase here but you can look it up as you wish)...22: Let us draw near with a true heart...23: Let us hold on to the profession of our faith... 24: And let us consider one another.... 25: Not forsaking the fellowship..... 26 (AND HEARS THE KICKER) ....For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains NO MORE SACRIFICE FOR SINS, but a certain fearful judgement and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries  (enemies of God).

Q. Does this mean that there is no hope for them that have fallen away after they have come to the Lord only to go back into sin again? 

A. Yes. And ( if ) you die in your sins you will be judged accordingly which only awaits your fiery trial. 
Q. What does the (if) mean then?

A.  It means that as long as you remain an enemy of God in your trespasses and sins you will be judged accordingly but unto you who will turn away from WILLFUL SIN and call on His name then will you be a child of the King.

The Moral of This Story
Never be a SON grazer but rather draw near to the Son of God and seek His forgiveness for your sins and remain with Him, stay in His word and remain in fellowship with His bride the true church especially in these last days.  

 Jesus says, unless you repent you will perish. .....above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus :)



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