A Happy Thanksgiving and Chanukah Blessing and Prayer...
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Chanukah to all my family and friends and friends that I have yet to meet. This is a time of double blessings and praise from every table. Both Hebrew and Christian alike can and will give thanks this very day for the same reason; The love, grace and mercy of our heavenly Father who brings forth the fruit of the vine, bread of the earth and the light of heaven.All glory and praise be unto you O God who saves with a mighty hand through the power of your Holy Spirit and The blood of the Lamb; Jesus the Christ - Yeshua Hamashiach - our Messiah! You and You alone have made a way to redeem a fallen man unto yourself and to keep him until that day that You have ordained by Your wisdom. Help us to properly honor You, by giving back to You in full the complete reward of Your purchase, which is all that We are and all that I am.
For we have been bought with a price and are no longer our own but have become the ransom of righteousness for righteousness. Yes indeed we shall honor You with all: all our heart, all our strength, all our mind and all our being for You alone are worthy. Give us this day, this very moment, the ability - the desire - the strength - the motivation and drive- the determination - the resolve - the understanding, knowledge, and wisdom to be the very people that You have called us to be and poor out Your anointing NOW, I pray!
This is the time that was spoken of by the profits that God in the last days shall poor out His Spirit upon all men and women, young and old alike, to have visions and dreams and to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit to do great and mighty things unto His glory for the (days) of the Lord, yes the (days) of the Lord are at hand and the kingdom of heaven is before you!
Now the Lord says to all who call upon His name; weep, weep all you who call on My name for those that will be lost, for it is not My will to lose even ONE little lamb but many will fall and go into the pit forever...... So please, says the Lord of hosts, take up your cross and do not fear. GO and tell the people to repent and come unto Me and follow Me and.. they.. shall.. be.. Saved! Now, says the Lord, I speak to the sick, deaf, blind and dying and say unto you who fear the Lord; Receive my Spirit and be filled with my breath as I breath the true and living breath into you. Trust in me and do not doubt anything for nothing is impossible for Me, as I have spoken to you before with My word. Pray with focused attention on your needs (never doubting) and they shall be met and again I say lean NOT on your own understanding but trust in Me, says the Lord, and obey my word.
I still bear My stripes and have not forgotten My promises to you. But you have forgotten to believe in Me and go your own way. Now, I the Lord say to you all, turn to Me, give Me your full attention for I Am faithful, holy and true. Be whole, receive you hearing, receive you sight..... Live..Live..Live! Behold I come quickly, says the Lord!
May the God of peace and mercy richly bless you all!
......above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!
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