There is a lot of talk these days about Jesus coming back. And the big question is... are you ready? And are you good enough to get to heaven?
The most common answers I have heard concerning this question are: I sure hope so, or yes I think so, maybe! or I don't believe in God so yea.
Whaaat? Like my buddy Paul Begley would say " are you serious?"
( Need to watch him by the way @
One of my favorite pass times as a kid was to entertain the challenge of maze puzzles. I would start from the beginning of course guiding my pen through the labyrinth of ever twisting, turning, circling and sometimes tumbling corridors trying to find the proper path only to wind up in a tangled mess & frustrated. Then when I couldn't quite see which way to go for certain I would stop and go to the end and start from there, working backwards, hoping to find my way through. Whether you think this to be cheating or no this strategy helped greatly on the more difficult puzzles.

This is where God shows His compassion toward us. He knows how difficult life can be sometimes so He sent us help. He gives us His word to give us understanding and wisdom. His word is a light to our path and a lamp to our feet and shows us the way to go, and if that doesn't work, He tells us the future and we can even go straight to the end and backtrack if we wish.
I for one am so grateful for the bible, the Holy Word of God. The only book known to man to predict the future and be 100% correct at the time of this writing and I am confident that it will be long after as well.
How can I be so sure you ask?
Because I know it's Author and you do too. He is the everlasting Father, the Way, the Truth and the Light. The one who dwells in eternity and with the broken and humble spirit. He knows the end from the beginning and we are on His mind continually.
Here is where the Lord shows us the end of the story and tells us who are welcome to enter in to His heaven and who are not. It's here in the last book of the bible and the last chapter.
Revelation 22:14-15 "Blessed are those who do His commandments, that they may have the right to the tree of life, and may enter through the gates into the city. But outside are dogs and sorcerers and sexually immoral and murderers and idolaters, and whoever loves and practices a lie".
He makes it very clear who are welcome and who are not. He tells us time and time again through out His word that He is Holy and we must be Holy to receive eternal life. But it's not possible to be holy by our own efforts. It is only possible through the sacrifice of Jesus and believing in Him and listening to your conscience that says; I believe but I'm not living like I should. Understand this, that those that are not living like they should are the dogs that the text is speaking of. And your conscience bears witness to that in truth.
I know you say I believe in Him and He died for sin, right? Yes, He died for your sins but not so you could get washed clean and go back to the them again. That is to use the grace of the Lord for the occasion of the flesh. Jesus said, these are them that believe in Me, those who here my word and do it. If we willfully turn back to sin again and again then there is no more forgiveness of sin and we have become workers of iniquity! Repent and turn away from sin forever, by the power of the Holy Spirit and the grace of God, and if you fall, cry out to Him to put a right spirit in you and keep you from temptation and deliver you from evil.
If you know that you are on the list of them that are outside the gate of the city of heaven, as I saw at one time I was as well, then allow me to offer you an invitation to get on the right list and get your name in the Lambs book of life, for all who are not found in the book of life have only eternal torment to look forward to. Where the flame is never quenched and the worm never dies.
Walk in the light as He is in the light and ............ above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!
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