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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Got The Blues

Do You Have The Blues?

Man, I can remember back in the days, when I was wondering in the wilderness. I would just love to sit and feel sorry for myself, while I would self medicate on the nearest bottle of business and listen to the blues and talk about my troubles to who ever would listen. On and on it would go, day after day, trouble after trouble, burden after burden and pain after pain. On and on it would go.

 I can still hear ole BB King bending those strings like he does and singing that ole blues song, "Thrill Is Gone, Thrill Is Gone Away" and that's exactly what would happen, what ever thrill I had managed to bring up for a short time would fade away into nothing, like a vapor of smoke it was there one second then poof ... the thrill was gone away for sure, no matter what it was. I never ran out of reasons either, life always supplied me with plenty and I could always find a great excuse to drown my poor little heart. But that's a go nowhere nose dive into the gutter and deep inside I knew this couldn't go on forever.  

Thankfully I had an accident that gave me a three month time out and gave me a little time to think clearly. I call that time "My Come To Jesus Meeting" and brother believe me, I was way overdue.

You see, I came to understand that I was looking for love in all the wrong places, like the song goes, but hey, that's what we do. Right? Wrong, that's what we do when we are miss led, so in order to get back on track lets go to the one place that gets rid of those blues and all of that smoke and start shining a little (Son Shine) up in here! S O N.

Now first; Understand that Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life" and if we are to have any of the above we have to start with Him. 

Next; We must take a goooood look around us and be truthful with our self's and see exactly what we need to do to even start to clean up this mess. All the while resisting the temptation to blame others around us. 


I Know, I Know! If this person would not have done this you wouldn't be in this situation. I Know.... I got the memo at the last feel sorry for yourself meeting, but I don't go there any more and you shouldn't either.


This Thing Will Take You To Hell & Drag You Through The Gutter To Get There! 

My friends, I'm not trying to be so cold and heartless about your situation. I know all to well the tragedies of humanity and all that we may have to endure in this life but what I'm trying to show you is that next to the love of G-d our mountains don't matter and in the process of time they'll fade away. So, your happiness is up to you. It doesn't matter what anyone else has done to you, it doesn't matter what cards have been dealt to you, it doesn't matter who you have lost or what pain you have endured. The Love and Grace of God is far greater than anything that we can experience in this life and in the presence of His great Love our burdens wont matter any more for He shall dry every tear.

What matters now is that you are still breathing and still have the opportunity to cry out to the G-d of heaven and make the decision to take your next step in the right direction. For it is the JOY of the Lord that is your strength and He is your comforter, He is your help in times of trouble, He is the Love that will never leave you or forsake you, He is your peace, He is your healer, He is your high tower and tested helper and friend and the one that you can run to because He understands pain. He came and took not only the sins of many but also the punishment and suffered more than you ever will and will never turn away the broken and humble heart and all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

This is your time, it's not coincidence that you are reading this. Go to G-d and trade your troubles for His grace and His mercy, then go and sin no more, ........ and don't go to BB king to drown your troubles but take your troubles to the King of Kings. 

Just do the next right thing and above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus! 

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