Jewish Store

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Go Ye Into All The World


"And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature."

The great commission is still in effect..... So don't be afraid & keep going, the Holy Spirit will help you. This is the Lords will and you will find great fulfillment in doing His will.

[SO FAR THIS MONTH:] We have personally witnessed to over 30 people in one on one conversations and have seen 5 come to Christ in fullness and truth and several others have gone away feeling refreshed and strengthened..... Praise The Lord!!!! 

This often happens with great rejoicing and weeping and the thing that is so awesome about that is it is right in the middle of a work day or in a traffic jam or waiting in line somewhere to get loaded or unloaded and when the Lord is lifted up He wins one more to Himself, Woo Hoo! that's Wow power!.

We also know that at the very least a seed was planted even with those who didn't seem to receive the gospel. Have faith that what the Lord says is true ..."His word will not return to Him void".

Be encouraged my friends & family & go and lift the Lord up & win one more for the kingdom today. The King is rooting for you, and above all else ............LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!

              Remember the Lord says, " His word will not return to Him void!

                                    Jesus Is Lord!

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