Jewish Store

Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Great Falling Away Has Begun!

Get ready church!!

 I believe these next few years, if the Lord tarries, will be of the most trying years to date; for the bride and for you personally..... Soon there will be a great division between the sheep and the goats, the good fish and the bad fish, the wheat and the tares, the wise and the foolish..... and the time comes that YOU must choose which side you are on. Your philosophy of "indifference", of "live and let live", of "if they don't bother me why bother" will all be a testimony against you or for you.

I pray for you and us alike, I pray for strength to stand tall, for discernment & for a supernatural call to duty, honor & the true gospel of Jesus Christ. 

Never Compromise the truth, freedom or your faith in the true and living God............. ...The Great Falling Away Has Begun! Please don't fall with the masses.

"This day I have set before you life & death so choose life that it might go well for you", says the Lord!

........ and above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!

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