Once upon a time...
Long ago and far awaya baby was born to save the day
He was given many names, names that none could bear
Not in the heavens, in all the earth, or any where
Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God, Ever Lasting Father & The Prince of Peace
Could not be found in all the world, not even in the Middle East
You may have heard that unto us a child is born
Unto us a son is given
Not to improve our life or make a better living
He is the gift of God for eternal salvation
Given to us and to every nation
To deal with sin and the fallen creation
A time to rejoice and be happy indeed
He heals our hurts and cares for every need
To Him we go with the greatest of speed
To humble our hearts and bow in the dust
For He is Emmanuel, God with us
Now to you the question is posed
Will you turn Him away and say I'm closed
No my friend don't turn up your nose
He died for you, Don't you see
He was only born to hang on the tree
To bear your sin and set you free
When you here Him knock on your hearts door
Open to Him quick and be hardened no more
Confess to Him your every sin
Never turning to them again
For He, Mighty God, Wonderful, Counselor, Ever Lasting Father & Prince of Peace
Has made a way for you to enter with ease
Not by your works, that any should boast
For only He is righteous from coast to coast
And at heavens gate you'll find a welcoming Host
That true love may be seen from all of us
To you we bring the real meaning of Christmas
May Emmanuel, Jesus, Yeshua, the true Light of the world shine upon you this day
.....above all else Love Each Other and trust in Jesus