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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

A Christmas Poem: Who Can Bear His Name

Once upon a time...

Long ago and far away
a baby was born to save the day

He was given many names, names that none could bear
Not in the heavens, in all the earth, or any where

Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God, Ever Lasting Father & The Prince of Peace
Could not be found in all the world, not even in the Middle East

You may have heard that unto us a child is born
Unto us a son is given
Not to improve our life or make a better living

He is the gift of God for eternal salvation
Given to us and to every nation
To deal with sin and the fallen creation

A time to rejoice and be happy indeed
He heals our hurts and cares for every need
To Him we go with the greatest of speed

To humble our hearts and bow in the dust
For He is Emmanuel, God with us 

Now to you the question is posed
Will you turn Him away and say I'm closed
 No my friend don't turn up your nose

He died for you, Don't you see
He was only born to hang on the tree
To bear your sin and set you free

When you here Him knock on your hearts door
Open to Him quick and be hardened no more

Confess to Him your every sin
Never turning to them again

For He, Mighty God, Wonderful, Counselor, Ever Lasting Father & Prince of Peace
Has made a way for you to enter with ease

Not by your works, that any should boast
For only He is righteous from coast to coast
And at heavens gate you'll find a welcoming Host

That true love may be seen from all of us
To you we bring the real meaning of  Christmas
May Emmanuel, Jesus, Yeshua, the true Light of the world shine upon you this day
.....above all else Love Each Other and trust in Jesus

Friday, December 6, 2013

Famous Athiests Last Words..

Famous atheists last words....

Voltaire: ‘I am abandoned by God and man…I shall go to hell.’

Thomas Paine: 'I would give worlds, if I had them, that the "Age of Reason" had never been published. Oh, God, save me; for I am at the edge of hell alone…’

Thomas Carlyle: I am as good as without hope, a sad old man gazing into the final chasm.’

Gandhi 15 years before his death: ‘I must tell you in all humility that Hinduism, as I know it…entirely satisfies my soul, fills my whole being and I find solace in the Bhagavad and the Upanishads.’ Shortly before his death he wrote: ‘My days are numbered, I am not likely to live much longer, perhaps a year or more…For the first time in 50 years I find myself in the slough of despond…All about me is darkness; I am praying for light.’

Sir Thomas Scott, Chancellor of England: ‘Until this moment, I thought there was neither God nor Hell…Now I know and feel that there are both, and I am doomed to perdition by the just judgment of the Almighty…’

Edward Gibbon, author: ‘All is dark and doubtful.’

Mazarin, French cardinal: ‘Oh, my poor soul! What will become of thee? Whither wilt thou go?’

Thomas Hobbes, political philosopher and sceptic: ‘I am about to take a fearful leap into the dark.’

Sir Francis Newport, sceptic: ‘I know I am lost forever! Oh, that fire! Oh, the insufferable pangs of hell!’

All these and more can be seen on a compelling Youtube presentation called 'Famous atheists' last words before dying.' Contrast the above with the words of two men who truly knew God.

King David of Israel: ‘Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, Thou art with me.’

Paul the apostle: ‘Oh death, where is thy sting? Oh Hades, where is your victory?...Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.' 1 Cor 15:55,56

.......above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!

Information Overload

Information Overload! A Prophecy Fulfilled  

At the time of the end the bible says, "......many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased".  Dan 12:4. 

WOW, was brother Daniel right about that or what? I just love it when the Holy Spirit shows us those little things that mean so much after they're reveled, don't you? It is amazing to me how we may pull, at any given time, mass amounts of information directly from the ethos of the "world wide web" just to see whats going on in the lives of friends, family, the weather, the world and even the universe (with circumspect inquiry of course). I mean at the touch of a button we can do any thing, say anything, watch anything, buy anything and all before 9am... talk about information overload!

As I sat at my desk this morning searching the internet for signs in the heavens and in the earth of our Lords great mercies and warnings, knowing that these are indeed the days of the Lord, it occurred to me that this is a great and awesome power and SHOULD NEVER BE USED FOR EVIL.
 Of course, just as quickly, it also occurred to me that- that was why it was made. It's just like those epic movies of fantasy as the dreaded and evil ruler would have his wizard or witches look into their crystal ball to see all and know all, to be as a god, as he would then stretch forth his greedy hands to rule, oppress, conquer and kill all who would dare resist his will, with a cruel hatred!..(OK, this is where the MU HA HA HA should be inserted)...... CREEPY!

 For the life of me, I just can't understand it. How can so many prophecy's come to pass and still the masses turn a deaf ear, not to be convinced that the bible is the real deal?
Truly this is thee time of prophetic fulfillment(S) and a time to pay attention to the signs and know the word of God. To listen to the "true" preachers and profits of this age who will speak only truth and fearfully lead to the foot of the mountain and point to the cross where the debt of sin has been paid, and covered by the blood of the lamb. Jesus is the way!

If you don't know the Lord then now is a good time to be introduced.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

NASA | Comet ISON's Full Perihelion Pass

Comet Ison as of 12/01/13

 The latest on Comet Ison is undetermined thou it would appear that it has shrunken in size and or come apart thus widening the debris field. Time will tell the true significance of this event as our planets orbital track will send us into that debris field.

These are comments from a curious observer and believer in the bible (the word of God) and one who prays for mercy. One thing is certain, the days of the Lord are at hand and it's never too soon to repent and put your trust in Him  ........ above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!

Friday, November 29, 2013

L. A. Weems: Comet Ison Survives!

L. A. Weems: Comet Ison Survives!: Comet Ison Survives! Well, I was hoping to have great news for you this morning after it appeared that Comet Ison had fizzled out as it go...

Comet Ison Survives!

Comet Ison Survives!

Well, I was hoping to have great news for you this morning after it appeared that Comet Ison had fizzled out as it got closer to the sun, according to the reports from NASA yesterday. But at a second look this morning it seems that the Comet did indeed survive the trip.

This spells trouble for our near future as it will follow pretty close to it's predicted trajectory and come over earth (around 40 million miles).
 Ison did take quite a beating as it grazed the suns orbit and now its debris field and tail are even greater in size.
 C M A's continue to be directed toward Ison and will become a major player on the effect of our world in the way of electronic impulse, weather, an increase of space debris hitting the earth and  seismic activities... as in earth quakes, tsunami's and volcanic eruptions especially in the Northern Hemisphere - World Wide!

The Warning Stands! 

The warnings continue to stand and I think it wise to prepare the best you can. Focus on your relationship with God first and foremost then; Heat (in the event of power failure), Water, Food, Matches, Candles & Fuel in your vehicles.

Again let me say that I am not a doomsday preacher, just bringing the facts as I see them... so be Saved and be Safe, in Jesus name! Amen!

           ....above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

 A Happy Thanksgiving and Chanukah Blessing and Prayer...

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Chanukah to all my family and friends and friends that I have yet to meet. This is a time of double blessings and praise from every table. Both Hebrew and Christian alike can and will give thanks this very day for the same reason; The love, grace and mercy of our heavenly Father who brings forth the fruit of the vine, bread of the earth and the light of heaven. 

All glory and praise be unto you O God who saves with a mighty hand through the power of your Holy Spirit and The blood of the Lamb; Jesus the Christ - Yeshua Hamashiach - our Messiah! You and You alone have made a way to redeem a fallen man unto yourself and to keep him until that day that You have ordained by Your wisdom. Help us to properly honor You, by giving back to You in full the complete reward of Your purchase, which is all that We are and all that I am.
 For we have been bought with a price and are no longer our own but have become the ransom of righteousness for righteousness. Yes indeed we shall honor You with all: all our heart, all our strength, all our mind and all our being for You alone are worthy. Give us this day, this very moment, the ability - the desire - the strength - the motivation and drive- the determination - the resolve - the understanding, knowledge, and wisdom to be the very people that You have called us to be and poor out Your anointing NOW, I pray!
This is the time that was spoken of by the profits that God in the last days shall poor out His Spirit upon all men and women, young and old alike, to have visions and dreams and to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit to do great and mighty things unto His glory for the (days) of the Lord, yes the (days) of the Lord are at hand and the kingdom of heaven is before you!
Now the Lord says to all who call upon His name; weep, weep all you who call on My name for those that will be lost, for it is not My will to lose even ONE little lamb but many will fall and go into the pit forever...... So please, says the Lord of hosts, take up your cross and do not fear. GO and tell the people to repent and come unto Me and follow Me and.. they.. shall.. be.. Saved! Now, says the Lord, I speak to the sick, deaf, blind and dying and say unto you who fear the Lord; Receive my Spirit and be filled with my breath as I breath the true and living breath into you. Trust in me and do not doubt anything for nothing is impossible for Me, as I have spoken to you before with My word. Pray with focused attention on your needs (never doubting) and they shall be met and again I say lean NOT on your own understanding but trust in Me, says the Lord, and obey my word.
I still bear My stripes and have not forgotten My promises to you. But you have forgotten to believe in Me and go your own way. Now, I the Lord say to you all, turn to Me, give Me your full attention for I Am faithful, holy and true. Be whole, receive you hearing, receive you sight..... Live..Live..Live! Behold I come quickly, says the Lord!

May the God of peace and mercy richly bless you all!
......above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

L. A. Weems: A Cause For Warning!

L. A. Weems: A Cause For Warning!: There is cause for warning this morning !  Nov/26/2013 This is not a test. Please pay close attention! Let me first start by saying that I...

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Cause For Warning!

There is cause for warning this morning!  Nov/26/2013

This is not a test.
Please pay close attention!
Let me first start by saying that I am NOT a doomsday preacher, and I am not very fond of any one that is either.
I gather the facts, pray and report.
I would expect & challenge you to do the same.

Of course I'm not a scientist nor theologian, but I Am and will continue to be a reverent voice of God as I understand Him and His word through Jesus our Savior!..... Take it or Leave it.
It has become evident to me that we can expect a dramatic change in our earth's climate and seismic movements. This past month we have seen an increase in all manner of disturbing activities, from all over the globe have been reported. Ranging from "record breaking" typhoons, tornado out breaks, earthquakes, the recent volcanic eruptions in Indonesia, other places in the world and also in cosmic places, such as volcanic activity on Mars and other heavenly bodies. We have also seen an increase in solar activity that is vital to understand. All of which can be directly related to a single cosmic event, the passing of Comet Ison.

The Warning!

These next few days will tell us more clearly what we can expect to come in the next few months.
As I had mentioned before about expecting a dramatic change in the earths activities, this change is of biblical proportions, the likes of which will No Doubt come to pass. Thou the real question is when.
It will prove wise to prepare yourselves, first with prayer and then: extra food, water, firewood or other heating supplies to see you through the winter months should these events indeed come to pass and the Lord tarry. 
Should they not, just consider yourself better off than you were before. Especially if you came to the saving power of the Lord Jesus through this warning.

If you would like to know Jesus as your Personal Lord and Savior just repent of your sins and pray.
Jesus said, unless you repent you will perish and unless you believe I am He (The Christ) you will perish.

The Prayer:

Heavenly Father, I admit that I have sinned and I confess my sins to you. I believe that you sent your Son, born of a virgin, to take my place and receive the punishment for my sins and to give His life for me, that I might be free of sin and truly live, then He died and rose again on the third day by Your power and now sits at Your right hand to be my friend and savior. Jesus remember me when I come into your kingdom and be the King and Lord of my life. In Jesus name I pray. Amen!
                 Welcome to the family!
 Now go and begin to read the bible and get to know Him, get around His people who love and follow Him truly. He has so many incredible things that He wants to show you. ........above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!

Now know that the Lord has said to go and sin no more else a worse thing come upon you!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

No False Prophits Allowed!

 No False Profits Allowed!

  The word of God is never a thing to play with. But many will try. The Lord tells us that..
Many false prophets shall come in the last days, and lead many astray. It is very important to know His word better and better every day so you may be able to see them WHEN they try to lead you astray. But also know this that it is not going to be pretty for them at the end of their journey either.
The warning is given very clearly..... TWICE!.. as we can see here in Galatians.
Gal 1:8
"But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed."
Gal 1:9
"As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed - (anathema)."

Jhn 14:6
"Jesus said, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man may come unto the Father, but by me".

Neither is the way possible by works lest any man should boast.

Be True To Thyself!

Are You A Good Person? God says your not.
In fact He goes on to say that even your best and holiest efforts, your righteousness, are as filthy rags! But don't take my word for it
It's here in Isa 64:6
"But we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags; and we all do fade as a leaf; and our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away".

So now what will you do?
When you stand before God and the book is opened, what will you do?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Sun Grazer?

A Sun Grazer? What is that you might ask? 

It is the term given to objects that will come dangerously close to the sun as it is traveling from unknown reaches of space only to be caught buy the sun's gravitational pull and then slung back out into the cold darkness again should they manage to avoid the close encounter, and not be torn apart, incinerated, or collide and be destroyed all together.


Comet Ison is such an object, and should the predictions hold true to form it will indeed come incredibly close to the sun and then be flung back out into deep space. Of course the closer Ison gets to the sun the more of it's characteristics will be seen. It will begin to be brighter, hotter and more energized than it ever was until it leaves the sun and goes it's own way, only to find out that it has no real power of it's own. As I watch the reports and predictions I can't help but see some interesting parallels that we may have as well when it comes to the true Son. I'll try to show you what I mean.

The Parallel...

As I was watching the orbit of Ison on the space model looping over and over it occurred to me that this is the way of many false converts.
Many will come to the Lord as they recognize their sin against God as utterly shameful. Then in their need for salvation they are washed clean as they come to the Lord Jesus for forgiveness, but not remaining in His presence and word (But Merely Grazing His Mercy), they will turn back to sin thinking that He is merciful to forgive after they go back to their old ways again and again. They draw close to the Lord Jesus taking on His attributes of righteous heat, and become as bright as the Son, and receive new energy as they graze by thinking they can now do anything by their own power only to find out they have no real power to speak of except the energy they have stored up for their own destruction.
 This is to make a mockery of the cross and to trample underfoot the grace of our Lord.

It becomes even clearer as we look at Heb 10: 22-27  (I will paraphrase here but you can look it up as you wish)...22: Let us draw near with a true heart...23: Let us hold on to the profession of our faith... 24: And let us consider one another.... 25: Not forsaking the fellowship..... 26 (AND HEARS THE KICKER) ....For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains NO MORE SACRIFICE FOR SINS, but a certain fearful judgement and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries  (enemies of God).

Q. Does this mean that there is no hope for them that have fallen away after they have come to the Lord only to go back into sin again? 

A. Yes. And ( if ) you die in your sins you will be judged accordingly which only awaits your fiery trial. 
Q. What does the (if) mean then?

A.  It means that as long as you remain an enemy of God in your trespasses and sins you will be judged accordingly but unto you who will turn away from WILLFUL SIN and call on His name then will you be a child of the King.

The Moral of This Story
Never be a SON grazer but rather draw near to the Son of God and seek His forgiveness for your sins and remain with Him, stay in His word and remain in fellowship with His bride the true church especially in these last days.  

 Jesus says, unless you repent you will perish. .....above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus :)



Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Comet Ison and It's Significance

Comet Ison
The hunt for comet Ison is on for the months of Nov. and Dec. but by mid January it will be out of sight, should it hold together as it gets closer to the sun. You will best see it just before dawn in the south east sky.

I believe this to be a sign in the heavens as the bible speaks of saying, we shall see signs in the heavens and in the earth. So set your eyes and hearts upon heaven and the righteousness of God for now is the time

Just as the comet Panstarrs pointed to a significant occurrence for the world with the Pope and the happenings with Israel I am also convinced that the comet Ison will indeed point to a significant happening for the world as well.

The part that really has my attention is the fact that this one will be at it's most fantastical view on or around Nov. 28th which happens to be the Feast of Lights for Israel or in other words Chanukah. Talk about a WOW moment should the scientists predictions come to pass!

You all don't want to sleep through this one it's going to be pretty interesting ... as it already is.

....above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!
Perfect Peace?
I just have to show you all this wonderful process of the Lord. As James tells us in his first chapter, " Consider it all joy when you fall into diverse temptations. Knowing this that the trying of your faith works patients. But let patients have her perfect work that you may be made perfect and complete lacking nothing. But if any of you lack wisdom let him ask of God, that gives to all freely and without reproach. Then he goes on to say, that blessed is the person that endures that temptation: for when he is tried, he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to them which love Him".

Do you see how important your challenge, trial, or temptation really is? You see it is Jesus responsibility to present you blameless on the day of judgement. When you ask Him to be Lord of your life He begins to work immediately in you and in your life as you trust Him in faith.

Now when we fall into a trial (no matter the kind, size or intensity) we are to count it as a joyful thing because it gives us cause to call upon the Lord and draw even closer to Him in an intimate and personal way, in faith. Now after we call upon the Lord to see us through this test we wait on Him to empower us, and all the while patients is being worked in us. Now after time has passed the harvest will come as we faithfully trust and endure even to the end, never doubting. WHAT HE SAYS HE WILL DO! AMEN

God is good.... above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

                                        Judgement Day

 Have you ever noticed that when we sin against God or our fellow man or woman that there is a certain expectation of doom? (Heb 10:27)
Even when we say that we don't believe in God... (It won't make any difference if you believe or not )

That is your conscience and it is telling you to get right with your maker because that sense of dread.. is for real! and your judgement day IS COMING!.............. Believe it! (Rev. 20:11-15)

The Lord sees all (Psalms 69:5) that we do and there is nothing hidden from His sight. He has set aside a day in which He will judge all men and women in righteousness . The bible goes on to say that it is appointed once unto man to die and then the judgement (Heb. 9:27).

How will you do on that day? .....Seriously? ... How will you do?

Your gods won't save you! Your belief system won't save you, Your money won't save you, your strength won't save you, your good deeds won't save you, your guns won't save you, your friends won't save you, your great job and your fortress of badness and all that you think gives you security is an illusion and in a moment will be stripped away as you get the surprise of your death.

Gal 6:7 "Do not be deceived. God is not mocked; As a man sows that also will he reap!" In this life and the next.

Please don't play with sin, turn to the Lord today (like.. now!) and seek His face and give your life to Him. His righteousness is all that will save you on the day of judgement and He will heal you and your land (and your marriage).
The bible says that riches profit not on the day of judgement but righteousness delivers from death ( Prov.10:2).

Unless you repent you WILL perish, says the Lord.... (Luke 13:3)

..... above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus.
Photo: Have you ever noticed that when we sin against God or our fellow man or woman that there is a certain expectation of doom? (Heb 10:27)
 Even when we say that we don't believe in God... (It won't make any difference if you believe or not ) 

That is your conscience and it is telling you to get right with your maker because that sense of dread.. is for real! and your judgement day IS COMING!.............. Believe it!  (Rev. 20:11-15)

The Lord sees all (Psalms 69:5) that we do and there is nothing hidden from His sight.  He has set aside a day in which He will judge all men and women in righteousness . The bible goes on to say that it is appointed once unto man to die and then the judgement (Heb. 9:27).

How will you do on that day? .....Seriously?  ... How will you do?

Your gods won't save you! Your belief system won't save you, Your money won't save you, your strength won't save you, your good deeds won't save you, your guns won't save you, your friends won't save you, your great job and your fortress of badness and all that you think gives you security is an illusion and in a moment will be stripped away as you get the surprise of your death.  

 Gal 6:7 "Do not be deceived. God is not mocked; As a man sows that also will he reap!" In this life and the next.

Please don't play with sin, turn to the Lord today (like.. now!) and seek His face and give your life to Him. His righteousness is all that will save you on the day of judgement and He will heal you and your land (and your marriage). 
The bible says that riches profit not on the day of judgement but righteousness delivers from death ( Prov.10:2).

Unless you repent you WILL perish, says the Lord.... (Luke 13:3) 

..... above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

SAFE!    The Rest Of The Story...

Are you saved? No not safe like in baseball! I mean saved by the grace of God through Jesus? If your answer is YES.. do you know what you are saved from? If your answer is NO.. do you know why you need to be? .... I meet people who have been Christians for years who are unable to answer those questions..

.. It comes to my attention through sharing the gospel that many have a strange angle on the meaning of salvation, as I did myself at one time. It usually will be revealed when they will share the gospel with others and then they are asked..Saved? What do i need to be saved from? Then there not really sure what to say so it comes out as to have a better life. Because the message they have been given is that God has a wonderful plan for their life and God is love and he forgives right? So whats the deal then? Well let us look at it this way. The bible says that it is appointed once unto man to die and then the judgement. This judgement represents the white throne judgement when the fate of each person will be decided... as in Heaven or Hell. Scary right but the thing many try to stand on is to say- doesn't the bible say that all who believe in the Jesus will be saved? That answer of course is yes. Jesus said Himself unless you believe that I am He you will not enter into heaven- and that's where it ends for many but see it doesn't end there. Jesus also said that many will come in my name saying Lord ,Lord didn't we do these wonderful things in your name and they will even list them thus trying to justify themselves in their own works, then Jesus said He will tell them depart from Me you are a worker of iniquity I never knew you. SO, if the first part is true, that all who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved... and then the second part is true, that there are those who call on Him saying Lord, Lord only to be turned away - seems to bring only confusion and contradict itself right.? They are both true and the common denominator is the thing that's needed to bring all things together. That denominator is repentance.

 See Jesus said that unless we will repent from all that is sin we will perish and He also said that these are those that believe in Me, those that here my word and do it. But we can not say that we know Him or believe in Him if we are not willing to give Him everything, all our heart , all our love , all our life and make Him Lord of our life.Which brings us to the reason why, being revealed in the comment that unless we repent we will perish. Perish? This is the second death when all that do not know God nor do the will of the Gospel will be sent to that lake of fire where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth and where the flame is never quenched and the worm never dies. A good reason right? See we need to come to the Lord with a heart of repentance and confessing our sins that He may forgive us of our sins and then come into His righteousness that we may be found blameless on the day of judgement and then and only then may we escape the wrath to come. The day that God has set aside to judge the world in righteousness. Then will you be SAFE! AND SAVED! Thanks for reading and I hope this helps to get you around the bases and touch home plate....above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

When It Rains It Pour's

      Tell me, what do you think of when you here this verse in Math 5:45... "That you may be the children of God which is in Heaven for he makes His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust"....Does it say Judgement or Mercy? I here many use this verse to explain away the reason that sickness or pain and suffering has come upon those who follow the Lord so therefore they instantly relate this as judgement. But if you would look a little deeper you may see something else. You see this chapter really speaks of the goodness of God and how He causes good things, like sunshine and rain which are gifts from heaven to even come to the wicked who hate Him.  Rain as we see in Job is a treasure from God that sits in the store house of heaven. If you want to talk about judgement then just wait for a drought and soon you'll be praying for rain again.

     When It Rains It Pours!

         I can see the spiritual drought that has come upon our great nation and it saddens me to the core. We are giving up on morality because we are secretly in love with our own sins and don't want to really see them go, so nothing is said. So what then? Should we just mind our own business? Maybe just watch another meaningless game, or complain about the war, or gripe about another politician and put all of the blame on some one else... That's it right? It's all someone else's falt. It's your husbands falt, it's your wifes fault, it's the kids, or your boss, or that guy who cut me off in traffic.. Why is it so hard for us to see? That the heart of the problem in every situation is the problem of the heart.

 When It Rains It Pour's 

The day of judgement came to the land on September 11, 2001. Then it came again in the financial crash in 2008. We are headed for ruin as a nation, as a holy people that stood up for righteousness because of perversion, lies, and the out right scandel in our schools when God is removed and our children are taught evolution in His place, and homosexuality is now becoming the norm. Don't fall for this America!  Don't you realize that as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the Son of man returns...We are not far from that now.

 When It Rains It Pour"s... and the responsibility is your's! Do you think that just because we are not guilty (personally) of crimes against morality that we will go unpunished.  We are guilty by association when we remain silent. The spiritual drought has come and this great nation is on its way to judgement and the only thing that will stop it is a revival and repentance of sin and turning to God, the eternal God and cry out for Mercy. 

        It happened with Jonah when the people of Ninavah heard his cry to repent and turn to God, that God turned His Rath away from the people and I know that this could happen even now. For It is not Gods will that any should parish but that all should come to repentance know this and turn to Him today.  OK?        Pray for Rain, SPIRITUAL RAIN!

......above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus.....RevWeems