This, though it seems like a good thing from the outside, is a tragic turn away from biblical truth. It is the same as accepting all other faiths of the world and saying that to learn to coexist with every religion is good because it is the way of peace and tolerant love.

I do not wish to offend anyone today but it must be said that we do not worship the same god when there is prayer to men, statues, saints, Mary, priest or pope or any other deity or angels or beings of enlightenment or light other than the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the only way to heaven is through Jesus Christ and Him alone. Every other way is Idolatry and the bible clearly teaches that no Idolater shall enter into heaven. Even when we are reading from the same scriptures we can be talking about a different god altogether.
Idolatry is to create a god that you are comfortable with other than the true and living God. If your god will allow you to go in a way that is contrary to the true scriptures then you have invented or followed a false god. If your god will let you remain in your sins and even encourage you to be yourself in them or allows you to pray or do works for your punishment to earn your penance , then you worship a false god or a figment of your imagination.
God will receive you as you are but He says that "He" will make you clean and justify you. It is a gift that is given because of His love, not because we deserve it or earned it. He shows us in Eph 2:8-10 "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that NOT of yourselves; for it is a GIFT of God, NOT OF WORKS lest any man should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works (THE WORKS OF GOD & FOR HIS PURPOSE), which God prepared beforehand that WE SHOULD WALK IN THEM.
Salvation can not be through your works but through the saving work of His Christ on the cross. Good works (works of God) are only "evidence" of His saving grace and His hand prints on our lives and testifies that we are born again, Adopted and grafted in to the vine & being made a new creature in Him.
Please understand that I write this message in the spirit of love and only hope to point all to righteousness and truth, for when you know the truth, the truth (Jesus) will set you free. ............................ above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus "ALONE"!
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