While you continue in His service remember to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength and then.... above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!
Sunday, November 30, 2014
Thursday, November 27, 2014
A Prayer....I Have A Problem
(pic shared from http://www.bvcoc.com.au/purpose-of-prayer)
“FATHER, I HAVE a problem.
It’s weighing heavy on me. It’s all I can think about, night and day. Before I bring it to you in prayer, I suppose I should pray for those who are less fortunate than me—those in this world who have hardly enough food for this day, and for those who don’t have a roof over their heads at night.
I also pray for families who have lost loved ones in sudden death, for parents whose children have leukemia, for the many people who are dying of brain tumors, for the hundreds of thousands who are laid waste with other terrible cancers, for people whose bodies have been suddenly shattered in car wrecks, for those who are lying in hospitals with agonizing burns over their bodies, whose faces have been burned beyond recognition.
I pray for people with emphysema, whose eyes fill with terror as they struggle for every breath merely to live, for those who are tormented beyond words by irrational fears, for the elderly who are wracked with the pains of aging, whose only ‘escape’ is death.
“I pray for people who are watching their loved ones fade before their eyes through the grief of Alzheimer’s disease, for the many thousands who are suffering the agony of AIDS, for those who are in such despair that they are contemplating suicide, for people who are tormented by the demons of alcoholism and drug addiction.
I pray for children who have been abandoned by their parents, for those who are sexually abused, for wives held in quiet despair, beaten and abused by cruel drunken husbands, for people whose minds have been destroyed by mental disorders, for those who have lost everything in floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes.
I pray for the blind, who never see the faces of the ones they love or the beauty of a sunrise, for those whose bodies are deformed by painful arthritis, for the many whose lives will be taken from them today by murderers, for those wasting away on their deathbeds in hospitals.
“Most of all, I cry out for the millions who don’t know the forgiveness that is in Jesus Christ . . . for those who in a moment of time will be swept into hell by the cold hand of death, and find to their utter horror the unspeakable vengeance of eternal fire. They will be eternally damned to everlasting punishment. O God, I pray for them.
“ That's Strange. I can’t seem to remember what my problem was.
In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.”
Thankful? You bet I am!
Let's join hands and hearts together and pray this prayer as one today as we go and visit those who make us thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving friends and family, God bless you all and above all else......... .................. LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!
Prayer "I Have a Problem"-- (Author unknown)
Wednesday, November 26, 2014
The Adversary
My devotions today bring me to Mathew 5:25, It reads,
"Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are in the way with him; lest at any time the adversary deliver you to the judge, and the judge deliver you to the officer, and you be cast into prison."
As I look at the commentary on this verse the theologians state that Jesus was speaking about them who are at odds with each other. An adversary or opponent at the law which disagrees with you and that it is better to be reconciled to him.
They go on to say that Jesus urges that it is better to go out of our way to avoid legal conflicts before human judges. They also go on to say that the payment of debt and the prison referred to here simply mean the normal legal process that one would encounter in a civil suit.
Some sound advice for certain, but what if there is more meaning to it than that? I mean doesn't it seem that there is also a spiritual application here. Lets look at it in that light for a moment.
First we must break it down bit by bit, " Agree with your adversary quickly" I think that this first part is what throws us off and makes us think that it must apply solely to literal translation, as in the human courts. Because after all wouldn't the adversary in the spiritual essence mean the devil? And if it is, then there is no way that the Lord would tell us to agree with our adversary (the devil) quickly! Right? But that is to only assume that we are righteous, and if we are righteous than our enemy, clearly, is the devil. But the Lord also tells us that non are righteous, no, not one!
So, what then?
If we are then on the side of the unrighteous, while still in our sins, who does that make our adversary, our opponent, our enemy? It is the Lord! Then and only then does this verse make total sense, and the warning that the Lord is giving is really to all who are against Him, and His advise is to agree with Him quickly, while we still live and are in the way with Him and still have a chance before it is too late. Then, if not, after death we will be delivered up to the judge who is God and then be given to the officers, the angels, and then cast into prison or Hell.
Oh Yes, that is the true meaning and it fits well for the day! We have the opportunity to come to the Father, even now, and confess our sins to Him and to agree with our adversary the Lord, who stands against sin and the works of the devil for it was this reason that He came into the world, to destroy the work of the enemies of God and in Him do we have hope, if we will only come to Him and ask Him to be the Lord of our life and then we may truly live and above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!
Do It Quickly! Won't you?
Before it's too late!
I know you say that I am not against Him, I believe in Him. Let me ask you this then; Does the evidence in your life support that? Are you a reflection of the spirit of love, or the spirit of rebellion?
Jesus says that these are them who believe in me. Those who here my word and do it.
Be yee holy for He is holy and let all who name the name of Jesus turn from sin, for unless you repent you will perish, says the Lord!
May God bless you and keep you and may your name be written in the book of life, the book of the family of God, and may you be known as the friend of God.
Monday, November 24, 2014
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
L. A. Weems: Play To Win
L. A. Weems: Play To Win: Monday, the 17th of November, I was given the opportunity to help with concessions at the basketball game in Assembly Hall of Indiana Univer...
Play To Win

All of the people, coaches and athletes alike are the nicest bunch of folks you'd ever want to meet.
(Pic credit goes to Sean Benham of flickr.com)
This particular Monday, though, turned out to be cold and snowy so the turn out was a little low, but all in all it was still a great night.
This being the first time I had ever been in Assembly Hall made it a real treat and I secretly appreciated that we were slow due to the fact that this allowed me to take several breaks and watch the game. I have never really followed IU basketball but it looks like I had better start. The end also turned out well with IU pulling off the win against TX. :) Go Hoosiers!
As the night went on and I watched the game play out I couldn't help thinking back to my high school days and the time when our little Daleville High School was rising in the ranks, would give it all they had, with our varsity team winning the sectionals and the crowds going crazy! I think that I was on the JV team at the time, but I still remember the pride I felt when our little school won the prize. The air was electric and exhilarating to say the least. Nothing like Indiana Basketball.
"Play To Win! Play To Win!" The coaches would say," but keep it clean and don't foul out, I need you in there"! I over heard the head coach saying to one of our stare players.
Play to win, don't foul out, I thought to myself as I faded back into the IU game still at hand.
Don't foul out! ........like ... don't get disqualified ....... Yes, yes that reminds me of something else....... .......a verse.
Where is that? .... Corinthians I think..... I'll check on that when I get home... Lord willing.
Ah! There it is.
1 Corinthians 9:24-27
24" Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may obtain it. 25 And everyone who competes for the prize is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a perishable crown, but we for an imperishable crown. 26 Therefore I run thus: not with uncertainty. Thus I fight: not as one who beats the air. 27 But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified."
Boy, this, I know, is tough for the modern grace and no works message, looks like we have some work to do after all.
This is all about the continuing works of repentance. For remember the Lord tells us that unless we repent we will perish. That we are to enter into the fight; to play to win! Play to win with all of our heart, mind, soul and strength and the power of the Holy Spirit. To enter in and remain in a right relationship with the Lord and to judge ourselves in truth as we continue to die daily to the desires of the flesh. Again not by our own strength but by the Spirit of the Lord and obedience to His word and will.
It never ceases to amaze me how the Lord will use every day situations or memories from our past to bring us to a point and play out a scenario that shapes and molds us into that one that He wants us to be.
He who has started a good work in us will be faithful to complete it... Be sure of that and be open to His still small voice.
You'll know when it's Him and you'll be able to hear Him loud and clear even in the middle of a roaring Indiana basketball game... That's WOW Power!
Have a blessed day friends and family and above all else ....LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!
P.S. Please, don't forget to "like" and "share" this short story if it has been a blessing to you at all.
Thanks and Shalom!
Thursday, November 13, 2014
The Artist
A Short Story
The room thundered to life with heavy footsteps of purpose as the artist made his way to his canvas and easel, breaking the silence of the moment. A canvas of eternal breadth and height and depth stretched out before him.A moment of pause, his pallet prepared with every color at the ready. He carefully chooses his instrument and begins to need the proper texture and colors together in just the right shade in order to present to the canvas that perfect hew and glow.
With a stroke of his hand he begins to lay the foundations. Two, three and four more applications bring the desired feel and resemblance of this, his inspired thought, to the surface.
With a step back, a side glance, a span of his hand and a nod of approval it begins. The creation of yet another masterpiece.
Time has no merit here. The process of his work is without tax.
His work has been splendid. An eternity of wisdom at his disposal as he orders his will to the canvas. With great hope and joy and fear the artist has wonderfully crafted his masterpiece to the absolute point of perfection.
Just a few more touches and it should be ready to be brought to life and order with the breath of his word.
Now then, a touch here and one more there and........
Suddenly the door is burst open with a start and a great cry of exasperation. FATHER! FATHER!
What is it my child? The artist asks.
I am troubled, says the child.
Well! What is this that troubles you so?
I have a splinter! See?
A smile slowly crosses the artists face as he lovingly tends to his child's great emergency.
Ah relief!
With great love the child hugs his father and cries out in thanksgiving and quickly goes back to his adventures as his father, the artist, kisses his head and sends him happily on his way.
The artist turns back to his work ..... now then, where was I? Oh yes!
What's the moral to this story?
It never ceases to amaze me how wonderful our Heavenly Father truly is. Do we really have a clue where we stand with Him? Can we even begin to understand His great love, or to even know of this great privilege that we have been given, to approach the throne of grace, and not just to approach but to come boldly before Him.
We are reminded by the mysterious author of Hebrews as we look at
"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need".
And again ...
"So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me."
This great privilege has been given only by the blood and sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ and should not be taken lightly.
Isn't that good news?
This is your moment, this is your chance. Come to the Father, the Creator of heaven and earth, the great Artist, the Author and Finisher of our faith. The One and Only God.
Cry out to Him and ask Him to remove the splinter of sin from your life by the power of His Son.
Then read His word and follow Him.
........................and above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus! ..........Amen? Amen!
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Rest Area
Rest Area Ahead!
Oh how I love to see these signs when it's been a long journey. I'm sure you can relate if you have done any kind of traveling on our great highways, and sometimes in the nick of time.This sign also reminds me of something else... a promise, a promise from the Lord that all who need rest will find it if we will only seek Him and ask.
Not only does He give us this promise He also puts it in writing. Cha Ching!
Mathew 11:28-30 " 28 Come unto me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you REST (Rest Area). 29 Take My yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and you will find rest unto your souls (Rest Area) . 30 For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."
A promise is great but a promise in writing is even greater.
Especially when it comes from the promise keeper.
Have a great day friends and family and don't forget to seek His face and ............
........... above all else LoveEachOther and TRUST in Jesus!
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