A Short Story
The room thundered to life with heavy footsteps of purpose as the artist made his way to his canvas and easel, breaking the silence of the moment. A canvas of eternal breadth and height and depth stretched out before him.A moment of pause, his pallet prepared with every color at the ready. He carefully chooses his instrument and begins to need the proper texture and colors together in just the right shade in order to present to the canvas that perfect hew and glow.
With a stroke of his hand he begins to lay the foundations. Two, three and four more applications bring the desired feel and resemblance of this, his inspired thought, to the surface.
With a step back, a side glance, a span of his hand and a nod of approval it begins. The creation of yet another masterpiece.
Time has no merit here. The process of his work is without tax.
His work has been splendid. An eternity of wisdom at his disposal as he orders his will to the canvas. With great hope and joy and fear the artist has wonderfully crafted his masterpiece to the absolute point of perfection.
Just a few more touches and it should be ready to be brought to life and order with the breath of his word.
Now then, a touch here and one more there and........
Suddenly the door is burst open with a start and a great cry of exasperation. FATHER! FATHER!
What is it my child? The artist asks.
I am troubled, says the child.
Well! What is this that troubles you so?
I have a splinter! See?
A smile slowly crosses the artists face as he lovingly tends to his child's great emergency.
Ah relief!
With great love the child hugs his father and cries out in thanksgiving and quickly goes back to his adventures as his father, the artist, kisses his head and sends him happily on his way.
The artist turns back to his work ..... now then, where was I? Oh yes!
What's the moral to this story?
It never ceases to amaze me how wonderful our Heavenly Father truly is. Do we really have a clue where we stand with Him? Can we even begin to understand His great love, or to even know of this great privilege that we have been given, to approach the throne of grace, and not just to approach but to come boldly before Him.
We are reminded by the mysterious author of Hebrews as we look at
"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need".
And again ...
"So that we may boldly say, The Lord is my helper, and I will not fear what man shall do unto me."
This great privilege has been given only by the blood and sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ and should not be taken lightly.
Isn't that good news?
This is your moment, this is your chance. Come to the Father, the Creator of heaven and earth, the great Artist, the Author and Finisher of our faith. The One and Only God.
Cry out to Him and ask Him to remove the splinter of sin from your life by the power of His Son.
Then read His word and follow Him.
........................and above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus! ..........Amen? Amen!
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