Jewish Store

Monday, March 16, 2015

This is an ***ALERT*** to all of my family and friends! It is time to get into the fold of the safety of the Lord. Prophecy's are coming to pass at a great rate of speed and I'm not even sure if I will be able to send another message before we are taken to be with the Lord. March 20 is of course the first eclipse and I know that crazy things will be happening all over the world from here on out. I hope to do a few more videos about the eclipse and a few other things that the Lord has shone me and so far I haven't heard anybody speak about them yet. So stay tuned and pray for the blood covering of Jesus upon you and your whole house OK? OK! Just repent and ask God to count you worthy to escape the trials to come. PLEASE! PLEASE! 

Believe me I know how cooky this can sound especially to some one who doesn't read the word but you must understand that the word of God is true and is about to be fulfilled.

God bless you and lead you and cause His face to shine upon you and give you peace.... and above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!

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