Jewish Store

Monday, March 17, 2014

Nothing Will Be Lost!

There is a story that I am reminded of this morning. It is about a group of fit and rugged soldiers, hardened by the battles of life, that for all they had tried to do to gain security in a strange land and with a people not their own, were rejected and forced to return home empty handed. Upon their returning they were horrified to find that while they were away an enemy had snuck in behind them only to steal away all they had. All of their riches, clothing, live stock, food and even their wives and children were gone and their homes destroyed.

After discovering their great loss these valiant men fell to their knees weeping & wailing until there was no strength left in them, so distraught that they threatened to kill their leader who they had felt miss led them and brought this trouble upon them.
Immediately, the leader called out to the Lord and began to seek His wisdom and guidance. Thankfully the Lord answered and told him to get up, take strength and pursue after the enemy and to over take him for the Lord promised that He would be with him and nothing would be lost.

So at the word of the Lord the men went and overcame their enemy and recovered all that was taken and as the Lord had promised nothing was lost. Needless to say the rejoicing was greater than their lament had previously been and all gave thanks unto the Lord and glorified their leader, David, who later became King of Israel.

Today I am encouraged by this story. In it I see the stead fast love of our Heavenly Father who is quick to rectify our losses in every situation. As diverse and different as each may be we can trust that nothing is lost with the Lord. He is in control of every situation and though it may seem that the enemy has succeeded in complete and total destruction of all we hold dear let us take a moment. A moment to remember that we don't have to grovel in the dust and mope around thinking all is lost until we just want to die, but rather let us call upon the name of the Lord. For His strength and blessing and believing that, as He was faithful with David, He is also faithful with all who will trust in Him. Then let us boldly go forward to face the enemy and take back what is ours.

Our future, our hope, our faith, our dignity, our families and our joy rely upon Him. Draw near and know that He is God of all. The one and only good and faithful God.

In His presence is victory no matter the crisis.

Be blessed and ............... above all else, LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!

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