Jewish Store

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

It's All About Love

Something on my heart today about the word "Love" and I just have to share this with you.

"Love" Is Not: A cliché! ....Nor is it hard work or a challenge. It is not something that we should go in and out of like a swinging door, like falling in and out of "Love" then looking for a way out thereby making it an excuse for an abuse.

Love is not a feeling.

It's important to understand that we should not just throw this word around loosely, this is the most powerful word that we have.
This word is the word that God created to describe His affections for His creation when it was written that God so "Loved" the world that He gave His Son.

Love is the power that He gives us to transform fear into confidence, when He says that "PERFECT LOVE" casts out all fear.

Love is the power that He uses to bring us to the place of understanding of His compassion when He said that no greater "LOVE" has any man than this than when he lays down his life for his friends and then took are punishment for us to the cross.

Love is the word that God has used to show His attributes as when it was written in the Love chapter of 1Corinthians 13:4-8 where it says that
Love is patient, but more than that it suffers long, Love is kind, is not jealous, puffed up and won't boast, it ain't misbehaven, doesn't want it's own way, keeps no track of wrongs and is not demanding. Love wont rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth. Love bears-believes-hopes & endures all things and it never fails.

Now this doesn't even scratch the surface of all that God is toward those who turn to Him. After He has sent His word and shows us His example of Love toward us and teaches us the true meaning of the word. He then turns and says that He will have mercy on those who will receive His LOVE (Jesus) and who will return that LOVE back toward Him and His creation. Finally He says to us to "Love" the Lord your God with all your heart and strength and "Love" your neighbor as yourself, and finally to even Love your enemies.

With God all things are possible.
Love and ALL of it's attributes are the evidence of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit of God within the penitent & humble heart.

Love is the result of a right spirit. The spirit of the way, the truth and the life. 

Now let us go and love the Lord with all our heart for He is worthy and... above all else LoveEachOther and trust in Jesus!

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